воскресенье, 1 марта 2015 г.

Joomla strikes again - 3.4.0 and Protostar template

Recently Joomla backend started to notify you that there is an update to 3.4.0 is available, you're updated it (without backing up your site, of course) - and your pages based on beautiful Protostar template became damaged...Some modules become thin and long and overlap with each other... If this is your case, read how to deal with it losslessly.
To bring your site back to normal, go to backend, navigate to Extentions -> Module Manager, click on distorted module, then select 'Advanced' tab and set 'Bootstrap Size' to 0. That's it!
And yeah, you can now do it without logging in to backend - just press 'Edit Module' icon - it become possible in 3.4 update of Joomla.
Why did this happen?
Protostar template was updated with 3.4.0 Joomla and this string:
$moduleClass   = $bootstrapSize != 0 ? ' span' . $bootstrapSize : '';
in /templates/protostar/html/modules.php is now adding span1, span2... classes to the modules, which 'Bootstrap Size' is not 0.

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